Execellence is NEVER an accident; it is the RESULT of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction, skillful execution and the vision to see obstacles as opportunities

~Hustle Wisely While Young~

Thursday, January 31, 2008

~12~ My Transformation STARTER

Wow, I take courage to write this with intergrity.

First thing come first ~ What make me choosing this journey?

The events that hit me hard enough to take the transformation journey is my father's accident death in May 2004. Three months after giving birth to my first child ~ Andrea in Feb 2004. It was such a pain in my heart to receive a new life and the deceased of my dad in short period of time. Ever since the incident, life seems going no where; and what came to my thoughts that point of time is

  • Why am I HERE on earth, born as human being?
  • What is my true purpose in life?

When both of this intentions appeared, I went into massive search on Who Am I.

Sept 2004, I jumped into "biz" as self employed Insurance and Unit Trust agent, both does not work out and I was very lost and up set that time, nothing seems to have right tabs. Until one morning, while I was waiting for traffic lights to turn green in front of Globe Success Learning's office, I saw the Money & You banner display in front of their office with telephone no. MMmmm....Money & You, Money & Me? ~ sound interesting, I called up, signed up, paid and attended the program. After then, I seems to become a seminars junkeys, seminars after seminars that I have choosen to attend.

  1. 3rd-6th Mac 2005, 3 1/2 days Money and You, my instructor was Dominique Lyone.
  2. 16th Apr 2005, 1 day DISC Workshop facilitated by Allan See.
  3. 17th-19th Jun 2005, 3 days in Landmark Forum, lead by Alain Roth.
  4. 23rd-25th May 2006, 3 days Entrepreneurial Empire by Clinton Swaine.
  5. 6th Jun 2006, 2 hours Personal Releasing by Heiko Niedermeyer.
  6. 5th Aug 2006, 1 day Emotion Freedom Technique (EFT) workshop by Ruth Eedy.
  7. 18th-21st Jan & 1st-4th Feb 2007, 8 days in Neuro Semantic Neuro Linguistic Programming Practitioner Certification by Andrew Tham and Nellie Amirah.
  8. 15th-23rd Sep 2007, 8 days Business School for Entrepreneur, my instructor was Dominique Lyone.
  9. 2oth-22nd Nov 2007, 3 days Millionaire Mindset Intensive by T. Harv Eker.
  10. 21st, 25th & 27th Jan 2008, 2 sessions of Personal Releasing and 1 day Muscle Test Releasing by Heiko and Selina Niedermeyer.
  11. 29th Jan & 22nd Feb 2008, 3 hours Introduction To Mastery ~ Meditation & Breathing session by Victor Lim.

I truly commited to transformation ever since 2005, it was painful most of the time. Knowing the unknown truth about myself, letting it go, transmute hatred, anger, fear, grieve, hurt, guilt, sadness into love and joy. Such an amazing journey and it took courage to start, and every journey has a begining. Will share with you all more about every encounter in the journey, one by one, event after event...

~11~ Book Review By Danic Pheh

Hi Prisca, you are welcome to share it on your blog with others. I am glad to have other people benefit from it. Thank you for using yor blog as a platform to share it. Let me know on how others feedback on it so I can improve myself the next time I write another review. Cheers from Danic Pheh ~ Globe Success Learning Sdn. Bhd.

Hi friends! This is a review on one my the greatest book I have laid my eyes on getting out of the box by Arbinger Institute. This book is recomended by Dom during my Business School in Sep 07.
Imagine you are angry. What do you see of others?
  • Do they seem like objects to you where they seem less important to yourself, where they deserve to be punished?
  • Do you want to know what got you angry in the first place?
  • Why is your child or spouse just could do nothing right?
  • Why do you get under the line of Responsibility?
  • Through this great read, I became clearer as I understand why do I gounder the RESPONSIBILITY line and stay there. I also understood the effects if i stay under the line, such as inviting others to liveunder the line with me. It's a negative effect that is transferred. Thus, I understood how can I transmit positive energy instead, how I can change it to a positive energy.
  • One method I learned to go above the line is to see others as PEOPLE. Well, how do I see other as people? Feeling a desire for them, feel and understand them and relate to the mask I know that everyone has comparable legitimate hopes and dreams inlife. Feeling others from their point of view, values and experience.
  • In order to stay above the line more frequently, I have learn to take action when a choice or feeling to serve others arises in my thought. This action will actually keep me stay above the line. If there is delay, the mind is able to justify and blame for my inactions. False images will be created in the mind. We know the existence of blaming and justifying whereby this book gave me a clearer view on how blameand justification occurs, which in turn gave me the power to change.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

~10~ INVITING Silence

I become the detached observer
And watch
My thoughts, with lives of their own
Flash and flutter
Rise and fall
Come and go
So many butterflies outside my window

I smile
And I slow my thoughts
To rest
Kindly and patiently
I calm them all
To rest

Motionless, effortless, all quiet
A great and peaceful ocean
Home to mysteries and treasure
At voiceless rest beneath the sea

With silent contemplation
And inner awareness
The mind clears its way
I enter the vastness
And drift beneath its gentle surface
I slow strong current of deeper self
Currents of serenity
Currents of love
Currents of joy
Currents of bliss

I am suddenly free
Free from a noisy mind
Free from a warring brain
Free to embrace the beauty of all life
Free to connect
With my pure spirit
To know only peace and kindness
Love and joy
A moment of eternal freedom

Liberated by confused mind
The deepest part of me
Emerges from within
And with the small and subtle gentle touches
Silence speaks to me

~Poems Of Awakening~ By Bhante Y. Wimala -Sri Langka

Saturday, January 12, 2008

~9~ SIX Jars Money Management System

Jars picture shared by Leo Quinn in her newsletter. I have modified the jars into small plastic drawers that reduce space and dust, steady and tidy.
I have learned something useful from T Harv Eker ~ Millionaire Mindset Intensive Seminar, Nov 07. It was about the 6 Jars Money Management System. For me, I practice " PAY MYSELF FIRST" and the Jars System helping me to have FUN and not too stingy about myself when it is time to PLAY and to GIVE. I have labeled my drawers like this:
  • FFA - Financial Freedom Account 10% of my after tax income goes in here and is not taken out for anything other than investments to build my PASSIVE income. I will put something in this account everyday...even if it's my pocket change, something I pick up that looks like money-1 cent coins, buttons. The agreement that I keep to myself is NEVER NEVER NEVER empty the FFA drawer.
  • NEC - Necessities - 50% of my after tax income goes in here and is used for necessities such as food, shelter, clothing, car etc...
  • EDU - Education - 10% of my after tax income goes in here to be used to improve myself. Some people might spend more at the coffee shop than the education such as...books, tapes, seminars and workshops etc...that improve my wisdom and intelligent.
  • LTSS - Long Term Saving for Spending - 10% of my after tax income goes in here to be used for down payments on houses or cars...big ticket purchases like furniture etc. I am having 2 of these drawers and put 5% in each.
  • GIVE - Giving - 10% of my after tax income goes in here to be used for charitable contributions and GIFTS for others.
  • PLAY - 10% of my after tax income goes in here for FUN! I will spend this money every month or at the most every three months. He suggests using this money to do or buy something a wealthy person would. It's up to me but make sure it's something that really makes me happy and is fun!
I am self employed and I will want another drawer labeled TAX in which I put 20% of my income before I divide up the rest to be put in my drawers. I started up my habit with RM1 and let's see how the precessions go.
Always remember ~ PAY YOURSELF FIRST ~ Wealth is a HABIT.

~8~ Giving Of LOVE

"Harvest With LOVE"
is an activity hosted by Dr. Annie Lim and supported by the Money and You graduate group. For me, it is the event of giving and receiving LOVE. I'm glad to be part of the team, receiving acknowledgement from my dear friend, Annie. At the same time, I would like to acknowledge all of your participation in this GIVING event. GREAT JOB.
Annie wrote this mail on 24 Dec 07 as

Dear all,
I wanna take this opportunity to thank you for your support in making our "Harvesting with LOVE" movie project a success। I would also like to take this opportunity to acknowledge:

  • Danic for taking up the challenge to manage the event. Thank you Danic...you did an awesome job...thank you again!
  • those who came and supported us at the booth - BJ, Sean, Garry, Joyce, Jacy, Kitti & Gerald.
  • those who assisted us in getting the tickets out - Gina, Alex, Angie, Janice, Gary Loh, Jacy, Prisca, DeChen, Kitti, Catherine, Cheng Heng, Esther, Shirllin, Stanley (I hope I didnt miss out anyone).
  • those who sponsored the tickets AND - especially those who came and watch the movie with us :)

Thank you so so much...thank you for making a difference in the lives of those at Harvest Centre! Wishing you a Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year :)

Lots of Love, Annie Lim

Friday, January 11, 2008

~7~ "Happy Meal" From Penang

I LOVE food, I knew I have GREAT PASSION in food. I call my kitchen a MAGIC space and learn many ways to make food tasty, delicious and yet nutritious for everyone. Cooking is a magic show for me. Putting simple and less expensive stuff into GREAT taste is the value that I could easily add to everyone around me.
Sometime, I don't even eat the food that I have cooked. I LOVE watching people eating food that cook by me. Besides, I do enjoy the preparations of ingredients including selection, purchase, cleaning, cutting etc...and cook them into colorful yet attractive meals, that is enjoyable enough for me for the previous years among my family and friends.

One thing I feel CRAZY about myself, I talk to food and I believe the food speak to me too. I truly know which food taste GREAT when I see them. So far, I could always know the excellent one. Ha...hahaha...ha...

I have told this secret to some of my friends, Annie and Reza have been encouraged me to MASTER cooking. I called it a resolution for myself in 2008 and a skill to MASTER.

Last week, I've got my Master in Penang, whom has cooked and catered for Penang traditional wedding dinner (Chinese style Kenduri) since 1968. I managed to contact him, he is my uncle-in-law. I went back to see him last Friday for a cooking lesson, I heard from mum that this is his first time "open kitchen" to outsider rather than his crews. WOW, my pleasure to see him and other cooks performed the art of cooking and mostly are very simple techniques to bring the taste out by using sugar, salt, pepper, oyster sauce, sesame oil, Chinese cooking liquor (Rice Liquor), corn flour, rice flour etc... and the flavours are originally from the food itself, with a little bit of seasoning-the MSG, I don't feel thirsty after eating the food.

I am into the "World of Ratatouille". In fact this movie inspired me ~ Everyone can cook.
Look at the photos I have snapped, Loh Bah, Artificial Shark Fins Fried Eggs
,Cauliflowers With Mix Vegetables, Cabbage Flowers With Mix Vegetables, Balacan Fried Chicken and much MUCH MORE such as Penang Curry Chicken, Dorry Fish Fillet with Sweet and Sour Sauce, Achar (Mix Pickles), Kerabu Chicken Legs, Steam Pork Ribs with Black Sauce, Pork Belly Soup with Pepper, Pork Meat Ball Soup With Sea Cucumber and Dry Fish Belly) Why no pictures??? Hahaha...I am truly engaged with the food - in the midst of tasting the food lah...
I feel hungry NOW...

~6~ Who Am I

The BodY Human being with 160cm height and 63kg weight. Female Malaysian Chinese with short dark brown hair, fair skin. Breathing since 1974. Body aching at the center back and heel.

The MinD Mindfull, creative and wild like monkey, hold back on responsibilities and reaching out. Having integrations on physical, mind and the conscious. Reaching to ultimate freedom and abundant.


I just LOVE being who I am and will LET GO more on the past event.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

~5~ Tea Art

These are my collections of Zi Sha Tea Pot and Pu Er Tea since 1992, when I was From 5. I worked as a part time waitress in Mandarin Tea House, Penang after school to earn some income while waiting for my SPM exam's result.

Recently, a lovely friend~Shirllin, whom I knew in my Business School in Sep 2007. Sharing a space for friendship in her Pu Er Tea Shop at Taman Mayang, PJ SS25. Later on, I was introduced to her family~Wayne, Mr. Ching and Marie. I decided to "PARK" my Tea Art collection in her shop. They are the one who appreciate the value of Tea Leaves, Tea Pots, Tea Collections, Aroma of Tea ...

Drop by at the green color shop at No. 59, Jalan SS25/32, Taman Mayang, PJ. The location is about 400 meter away from St. Ignatius Church main door. Call them at 03-7880 0313 if you want to get there. I have GREAT value there, not just for the tea but MORE...

I just LOVE the space.

~4~ New Year 2008

Friends around me asking how I celebrate my Christmas and New Year 2008. Nothing much, of course and for sure is Family-Get-Together.

This year we get together at Rawang, my brother-in-law, Aaron's place on 30th, Sunday. All adults and children are there since morning. We got up early and reached Rawang at 9.20am. Avril's family reached at the same time and right behind our car at the security check point. Angie and 2nd sister-in-law was there ever since Saturday. We had our family breakfast in Rawang market, and start to shop around at market place.

What to shop? Hahaha...PLENTY...everything for our family and for ourselves. Everyone of us had hand full of shopping bags before lunch and we had everything we need with great bargain. Off course, we bought in group and get group discounts. This is the synergy we have while shopping together, it happened during our family trip to HatYai last year as well.

Next happening is after dinner, we enjoyed our Vietnamese coffee, wine and V.S.O.P, followed by Karaokae till the night. That is how the joy, cheers and laughter flow. Feel the essence of joy in Andrew's face with our little ones Andrea and Adrian. For me, of course capturing and sharing the joy too :)