Execellence is NEVER an accident; it is the RESULT of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction, skillful execution and the vision to see obstacles as opportunities

~Hustle Wisely While Young~

Saturday, February 23, 2008

~28~ Sand ART

This video clip touch my soul and I am truly impress and amaze the lady who use sand to draw such a nice scene with essence of LOVE and JOY. Open up your ears, eyes, heart, soul and feel the LOVE, see the impermanent and creations.

It inspired me on Nothing Is Permanent, Everything Transform From One Form To Another.

~27~ ORBIT In Love

An amazing couple from GuangDong performing their ballet dance. Can you feel the Love, Trust, Courage, Responsibility, Synergies and Alignment during your watch? They took 8 years in their commitment to excellent and mastery.


Setting an INTENTION is very different from having an AGENDA. How I get to know this?

  • During my Chinese New Year celebration, as usual, I continue doing what I used to enjoy most - cooking for the family, meals for 13 adults and 18 children. In my past year, I picked up recipes and cooking details from books, newspaper cutting, TV programs and friends. I ran around to source ingredients every where few weeks before Chinese New Year. I felt excited, stressful, heavy and over responsible. What is in my thought are : Why should I cook? Restaurants and food stores are available even though it is holidays, unlikely 10 years ago, Chinese truly rest during New Year and nobody is working, every household will cook their own dishes otherwise no food.
  • What's made me felt interesting about is, after celebrations and cooking, I always have lots of left over ingredients, which I don't need AT ALL and I don't like the access of ingredients because they cannot last long. However, it just happened.
  • This year, I throw away my agenda on what I want to cook and no recipes. I just prepare some ingredients, which from my experiences, I don't think I could get it in Bidor. And I created an intention as simple as - I will cook lovely, delicious, tasty yet nutritious food for my family.
  • Here it goes, GREAT meals, lunch, dinner with desserts that suits everyone taste, depending on that day conditions, when majority of us having heated up with our body, I changed fry chicken to stew chicken. That made a BIG different for myself and my family.
I created lots of sweetener in my meals, the desserts is lovely and SWEET for the soul. (the food in the pictures are not cook by me, my desserts are white fungus with green apples, longan with pandan syrup, caramel eggs custard)


I just realised that I have GREAT passion in writing, posting colorful photos, slide show and video clip, sourcing and inviting friends to post their knowledge to "enrich" my blog is truly engaging.
  • I have PASSION to share, to lead and show ways to better being, a Wealth Beingness.
  • Saba told me that she saw the different in me that I am "softer" during our meeting yesterday night, I shared with her that I have made PEACE with myself.

It is an amazing journey.


  • My Freedom start by realising how I justify myself on self VALUE, I have got it during my releasing with Heiko and Selina, followed by the workshop of introduction to "Mastery" yesterday by Victor. It involves EGO, Pride, Envy, Jealousy, Conflict, Over Responsible, self Judgement, looking up to be Acknowledge, having Approval and Recognition from others BADLY.
  • All these emotions lead me to a break through of SELF Value and I am still searching deeper.
  • Happy searching !


~Life itself already a MIRACLE, LIFE is MIRACLE~

Open your eyes and look into your palm, how many people on earth having the same palm as you have?

The answer is : NONE.

  • It is ONLY ME on earth that having that palm and no one else. I am unique and individualistic. I am who I am. I do not need to or want to be who I am, I just BE, I am.
  • I am inviting you to perturbate yourself on Claim The Right vs Earn The Right. Rather than saying I Need To (HAVE), say I Want To (DO), why don't say I Am (BE).
  • Create INTENTION, knowing it is ALREADY in the being. It is always READY and always there.

I realised it yesterday during my present in "Mastery" session and I am posting my sharing.

Friday, February 22, 2008

~22~ RELEASING - My Testimonial I

This is my awareness to my root of "Running Away ~ posted on 27th Dec 07" (MORE testimonials on Releasing, watch them in YouTube)

My last releasing session with Heiko & Selina was before Chinese New Year, about end of January 08. I went through pain and lots of hold back, physically and physiologically. I made a decision to look for answers, the root cause rather than running away. I believe that every BREAKDOWN, is an opportunity to BREAK THROUGH, that is a result of PERTURBATION (by Buck Minster Fuller). Anthony and Reza do helped me in finding myself. I ran away from them and I don't know why.

In January 2008, I did 3 releasing sessions in a week. My first releasing was about my mum, I recalled and released her said to me that "I was a rubbish and picked me up from dustbin, I am not her daughter". I knew this statement long time ago, without knowing it hurt me so much deeper than I know of. I was so angry and painful on always wanted to prove myself to others, WHY? "To prove that I'm not rubbish."
  • 1st Pattern - Besides proving to others that I am capable, I made myself involved and responded to almost everything enthusiastically with big smile, having an intention to make them known that I'm not rubbish. I know this NOW. Before releasing, I just felt something not too right that just jump into anything without thinking much of what I want, I also mindful enough to detect that I have a pattern of showing others that "HEY, I'm HERE, I can do this, you know..." Just like a dog staring at its food, all slavers leaking out from its mouth, and the eyes stand still with only the bone image on cornea.
  • 2nd Pattern - I was always angry with my mum, every time I went back to Penang. The conversations always FIRE up. I don't intend to have it, however, it always as it is. I knew that I love her however also very angry with her.
  • I had justified my capabilities by doing almost everything in life since young, and I don't know why, I thought I am truly talented of doing so. In fact, I got the answer through my releasing. Of course, what next is about knowing the truth, forgive my mum on her ignorant to me. Forgive myself on my past, love myself and send love to mum. GUESS what? During my Chinese New Year trip, I attracted Peace and Love. My husband, Andrew sensed it, it was the first time he saw the peace in me with my mum ever since 12 years of our relationship and it was truly amazing.
Mum, I LOVE you.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

~21~ SPEED Reading

SPEED Reading By Marshall Thurber - learn the technique and make your reading so much fruitfull and easier. Do it for yourself and have FUN and RESULT in your reading.

~20~ SETH 賽斯

Yesterday I was having discussion with my friend, Lee. Our discussion of growth and self awareness journey lead us to something new, which is Sethianism - 賽斯文化 . It sounds very new age for me and I went into a search. The attachment is my interesting finding.
關於賽斯 (Seth) 和賽斯文化 (Sethianism) ~ CLARITY LEADS TO POWER~
  1. 奇摩有關Seth的搜尋超過2390萬筆,差不多是台灣人口數
    簡易介紹:http://home.kimo.com.tw/charon167/newage_page/seth.htm (奇摩個人網頁已於96年 5月31日(四)關閉。個人網頁資料將於96年 7月31日(二)刪除)
  2. 賽斯解釋了所有超心理學現象,如潛意識、直覺、預見未來等...
  3. 人類每2000年,時代有所轉變,目前已由科技時代進入寶瓶座心靈時代 預言家預言2017年將有6億人口可以開悟
  4. 每一個人都是實習神明,靈魂是永生的,我們是來地球出差、旅遊、學習、考察兼玩耍的,可以選擇自己的人生
  5. 賽斯思想發展於1963年,是本世紀目前的顯學,認識賽斯將讓您自由自在健康、財富、心靈喜悅、唾手可得,不畏生死、疾病、瘟疫及天災戰亂
  6. 認識賽斯,您將踏上「神奇之道」,其實這是宇宙自然現象,人人皆有機會展現
  7. 賽斯文化--推廣賽斯思想及相關書籍,非以營利為目的目前以許添盛醫師作品


Along the search, I found Seth Godin's Blog, Seth Godin is a bestselling author, entrepreneur and agent of change.

It was totally a new information for me today. I'm GLAD.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

~19~ HERO

I want to share something I read from Joel's Blog, a person I met in my Business School. He wrote : This is a fantastic video about LOVE - Dick and Rick Hoyt. A lot of times, we have forgotten what love actually is. To be able to love and be loved is the greatest feeling of all. To me that is the greatest joy and that is what make life worth living!

Monday, February 18, 2008

~18~ DREAM seminar by Aspen Club

#1 Dream Seminar: Believe in Your Dream January 15th, 2008 by Tasha

  • How important is it to believe in your dream?

    A belief is something you choose and it influences your thoughts and, therefore, your actions and results. Beliefs are never neutral; they either move you toward or away from your dream. It is imperative to create a strong belief in yourself and your dream so you take the necessary action to get what you want in life. Having a powerful belief also helps you on the more difficult days.

When Beth decided she wanted to train for her first half-marathon, the dream seemed overwhelming. Beth used the Dream Coach strategies to overcome obstacles and help build her belief, then she completed her first three-mile goal. Four months later, Beth successfully ran her first half-marathon in the valley!

  • What do you want to believe in?
#2 Dream Seminar: Access Your Dreamer January 11th, 2008 by Tasha
  • Do you know what you really want for 2008?
  • When you think about your goal or dream, are you excited and inspired?

Accessing your dreamer is: tapping into the incredibly ambitious, anything-is-possible part of you and creating a dream you are passionate about.

Betty is a vivacious woman in the valley. She attended the #1 Dream Workshop last year to have a fun day with her friend at the Aspen Club and Spa; they signed up for spa services and everything. By the end of the day, Betty obviously accessed her dreamer. She announced to the entire group her dream of owning a wine bar in Carbondale!

  • What is your passion?
  • What does your dreamer really want this year?

#3 Dream Seminar: Live on ‘Purpose’ January 10th, 2008 by Kim Moore

  • If your dream is aligned with your purpose - you will be more likely to achieve it.
    What is all this talk about finding your purpose? It’s not as complicated as you think. The problem is, we’re connected to our ego purpose “to help people”…”to be successful”…”to be happy”… and we don’t often know our ’soul’s’ purpose. For example “To be alive”…”To seek”…”To learn”…”To live life as an adventurer”.

Here’s a fun exercise if you’re liking where I’m going with this:“Three Memories of Passion” Worksheet

1. List three memories from your life that you are passionate about: (there is no right or wrong answer)

2. What’s the theme that threads your memories together? (you don’t have to look too hard)

This could be your purpose! Try it on and let it evolve. See how the good things in your life evolve from that purpose you came up with. It feels weird at first, because we are taught to be useful, not purposeful. Have Fun!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

~17~ COLORFUL Collections

During my "balik kampong" trip to Penang. I carried away my collection of feathers back to KL. It was in a old diary, dated 1978. I started collecting colorful feathers since primary school, in 1983. In my habits, I used to throw or give away things that I don't want. I never give away my colorful feathers, however, I have stop collecting it.

Second collection that I have is Barbie doll costumes. A friend of mine, Ai Lee gave me a Barbie doll in Nov 2004 with intention to give it away to Andrea. Guess What? I kept it for myself, I secretly keep it in a shoes box and up in my cabinet, away from Andrea's eyes. Along the way, I keep on buying new costumes for the doll, costumes by costumes until one day I realised ~ I want a Barbie doll. When I was a child in primary school, I saw the launching of Barbie doll advertisement and I want to have one. However, my parents could not afford to buy me one. I kept the dream long enough until I shared my awareness with Avril, and I received a Barbie Princess as my Christmas present in 2006.

I thought I have bought the BEST choice of toys for Andrea, cooking set, colorful drawing books, crayons, color pencils, water colors, colorful blocks, colorful learning aids that I do it myself. I didn't know that it was me wanting those toys. Until I realised one day, those toys are for me ~ The Little Prisca.
Me and Andrea will shop for anything we want together, she will make her choice, so do I.


My Empowerment start HERE, and I just got the essence of RESPONSIBLE, while driving to my office. Knowing I have been living below the line and short changing myself all this while is a GREAT break through. All my POWER lies within me.

~15~ HUGs

Gratitude thanks to Dominique Lyone ~ instructor during my Money and You, because of his hug, I take courage to change and to move on to uplift my life.
  • 6th March 2005, after Money and You completion party, almost every participants had went home, leaving behind the logistic team and Globe's team packing up all the boxes at Vintage Ballroom, Holiday Villa Subang. I was standing in front of the lift near to registration counter. Dom walked out from the hall, looking at me for a while and gave me a HUG, this is the first hug that I had from a "stranger", it last for few minuets. So warm and full of LOVE.
  • My Money and You is about knowing lots of useful and yet very general principles in life. I did not get any break through during my Money and You. I refused to participate fully in my block game either, I almost slept during my block game while my team mate is talking. DISC personality profiling is very bull shit and I don't even think the report is correct. Along the way, I went into deeper understanding of DISC to know more about myself. What I really learned and applied is "PAY YOURSELF FIRST" and some useful distinctions about MONEY. Mmmm.....nothing much until I decided to continuing going back to Money and You revisions, receiver sessions and along the way, I joined logistic team once. So far, I never missed my participation, except Jun 05, JB session ever since I graduated from there.
  • Andrew asked me a good question :"WHEN will you stop going back to Money and You again and again?" My answer is, "How to stop? Never stop what..." The answer was so spontaneous and absolute from me.
  • It is more than LOVE and JOY, it is the journey of Self Discovery and CHANGE, Empowerment and Mastery.

Friday, February 1, 2008

~14~ HAPPY

Today, I have an interesting conversation with Andrea during our bath this morning. We used to take bath together; and have lots of fun, playing water and making bubbles, at the same time sharing lots of learning experiences while shower along.

  • Me : Are you happy?
  • Her : Yes.
  • Me : Why?
  • Her : I'm happy lah!
  • Me : Can I make you not happy?
  • Her : Nop!
  • Me : Why?
  • Her : I don't allow.

I always learn from my 3 years old daughter, and I'm so amaze with her thoughts. It was always a mirror for me and I'm so glad to have her in my transformation journey. I believe she is glad to have a transformed mum too. :-)

~13~ PAIN and Suffering

Article 87 ~ Pain & Suffering. A version to pain is really a misplaced aversion to suffering. Ordinarily we do not make a distinstion between PAIN and SUFFERING, but there are very important differences between them. Pain is a natural part of the experience of life. Suffering is one of many possible responses to pain. Suffering can come out either physical or emotional pain. It involves our thoughts and emotions and how they frame the MEANING of our experiences. Suffering, too, is perfectly natural. In fact the human condition is often spoken of as inevitable suffering. Written and shared by Jon Kabat-Zinn.

I got this book from Buddha temple in Brickfield while looking for Steve Loo, a friend of mine. Somehow this book caught my attention and I picked it up from the shelf. I brought this book along to my labour room and this article appeared to me while I was reading it in my labour of Adrian in 27th April 07. Contractions just started, very mile. It was such an amazing journey. As I went through the pain of contractions and realise that pain is pain and suffer is suffer. They are independent. Pain is just a sensation and the suffering is another emotion that I choose to associate with the pain, if I choose to do so. Otherwise pain will not have suffer, AT ALL. It was an awareness I had at that point of time, and it became a big AH HA... for me to see emotions independently.

~Your PAIN is not YOU~